Shooting is fun
Shooting is very common hobby, which is very popular in the USA. But you can visit shooting ranges in Czech Republic too. You can find shooting ranges in many cities in the Czech Republic end of course, in Prague. If you are looking for shooting range Praha, you can visit our shooting range. We offer shooting from many guns, so you can try long and short guns. If you ever thought how is shooting from AK 47 or any gun like this, you can try them at our shooting range.
Why choose us?
Safety is at a first place, so every shooter will have his own instructor. He will teach you how to handle every gun you will try. You have to follow his instructions, and he will teach you how to shoot at the target. You can get your own targets and take them as a memory if you want to. If you will visit shooting range for the first time, you will be surprised how it works. You have to wear earmuffs and glasses you will get at our shooting range.
Every gun is different
Every gun has its own characteristic, and it has to be handled properly, so everyone at our shooting range is safe. Your instructor will teach you everything so you can start with shooting. Shooting can be fun and beneficial for you because it will teach you how to stay calm and focused. Then you can point your gun at the target and pull the trigger. Some from our visitors are policemen or soldiers, and many of them are shooters they just want to shoot for fun and learn something new. Our shooting range offers a few shooting packs you can choose from, and they are different. It means that every pack includes different types of guns and number of cartridges. You can see all of them at our website so you can choose the right one for you or your friends. You can visit us with a group your friends for a lot of fun with our guns. Just make an appointment with our shooting range online.